
     In the zip file you download for MSMount you will find five files you need only install the MSMount file by double clicking on it (the rest of the files are for the Japanese version).

What you will find in the MSMount Zip

     MSMount gets installed to your preferences page. To get there tap the prefs icon, then tap the pull down menu on the upper right hand corner of your screen and choose MSMount from the list.

The FPpda pda simulator
screenmainiconOS.gif 428*178

The FPpda pda simulator
Prefs menu

The FPpda pda simulator
MSMount main screen

     The MSMount main page shows where the program will look for files to launch (the default path is /PALM/PROGRAMS/MSMount). If you do not have any files on your expansion memory open MS Gate from the main screen, tap menu menu and choose create default folder, name the default folder /PALM/PROGRAMS/MSMount.

The FPpda pda simulator
tap the memory stick tab

The FPpda pda simulator
next tap menu

The FPpda pda simulator

     If you already have files on your expansion memory then write down where they are and change the path listed on the MSMount main page. Once you have created the default folder or set the path to your programs tap enable on the MSMount main page and you should be able to access your files from expansion memory. If a file does not work well with MSMount you can have MSMount ignor it by going to the MSMount main page, taping setting, then add, and choosing the program you want MSMount to ignor.

The FPpda pda simulator
tap setting...

The FPpda pda simulator
tap add

The FPpda pda simulator
Choose the program you wish to ignor.

To get MSMount click here.